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Interpret ONLY the largest section of the test

For the POETIC study record all your results on CRF04

Determine if there is any growth of bacteria:

Single bacteria that were present in the urine will have grown into colonies of bacteria. These are visible as ‘coloured spots’. If there is heavy greowth there may be numerous colonies or spots which forma  "lawn" of coloured growth.

Is there growth of a single type of bacteria (all same colour)?
Is there more than one  type of bacteria (different colours)?

If there is a mixture of bacteria (different colours), then is there a predominant bacteria (single colour) at a quantity of 10 times more than any other bacteria?

If NO, the test result is invalid (but record all Flexicult test information on CRF 04 if in POETIC study). The urine was probably contaminated.

If there is only a single type of bacteria or a predominant bacteria (10 times greater than others) in a mix then continue to
Step 2: Quantification